tisdag 21 januari 2014

Lost in london

I have started to read a new book this lesson and its called Lost in London. I have only read two pages so i have not much to tell. The book is about one brother and one sister that live in London. One day when the sister came home she noticed that the television was on. She saw her brother and said hello, the brother didn't answer so the sister got worried. She said hello again but no answer, the sister was scared that something had happen so she screamed to her brother and suddenly the brother answered. He hadn't heard anything because the sound on the television was to high.

In this lesson I have read about 10 pages. In this lesson the brother Ross was going to buy some chinese food to he's sister but he never came home. Rita started to get worry so she went out in the city to look for  him. She had been out four hours to look after him but she didn't find him. She met Ross'  bad friend Steve. Steve is not a good boy because he does criminal stuffs and wants to have Ross in his gang.

In this lesson I have only read 2 pages. Rita were in the city and meat a man. They were looking for Ross in a hostel but they didn't find him. They was talking about their families in a caffe.

In this lesson I have read about six pages. The man was talking about his life and saide that he has been homeless for years now. He said that he had slept over with friends or slept on the street for years. Rita told the man everything she knew except Steve and the bag full of money under her. 

In this lesson I have been reading seven pages. Rita and the man took a cab to Rita's home. her house was all smashed. She immediately knew it was Steve. 

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