tisdag 17 september 2013

Jakob chaised by a bear

One day jakob was out in the woods chasing some rabbits . The hunter was very good at hunt differnt animals. One day when jakob was hunting rabbits something happend. One big bear came from some bushes. Jakob panic because he had never seen a bear in real life before. Jakob started to run away from the bear but the bear chased him. When Jakob tried to run away from the bear he dropped he's rifle. He jumped up in one tree and pick hi's cellphone up. Jakob called 911 and started to scream. He said there was a bear chasing him in the woods and that he had dropped he's rifle. The cops told him to stay in the tree and cut some weapons to protect himself if the bear came back. Jakob heard some noises from the bushes and the bear arrived. Jakob jumped down from the tree's and striked the bear with hi's weapon and ran home.

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